I don’t think it means what you think it means

Here's hoping the baseball gods stop messing with Mike Lowell (Photo taken by me in 2006)

Here's hoping the baseball gods stop messing with Mike Lowell (Photo taken by me in 2006)

Just received an email from one of the Yankees fans who reads the blog (and one I have verified is actually a Yankees fan and not someone pretending to be one) that including this nugget:

…so be happy that your wonderful Beckett and Papelbon still suck and your team has no bullpen.  I’ll be happy that my team is going to the playoffs!

Now, the team going from a tremendous lead to a, let’s say, NOT so tremendous lead would be unsettling in July or August…but in the second to last weekend of the season? Not so much. Yes, I hope that Beckett’s injuries and troubles don’t spill over to next season and sure I would like to know exactly what the hell is going on with Jonathan Papelbon, but there is nothing that happened last night with either pitcher that hasn’t happened already during this season.  I’m more amused by the fact that a Yankees fan took the time to send me an unsolicited email telling me I shouldn’t be happy about the Red Sox beating the Yankees.

Let me tell you something:  I’m freaking delighted that the Red Sox won last night.  Who knows what the next five games against the Yankees will bring?  I’m living in the moment and there is no denying that the moment is pretty damn satisfying.

Many people, fans and especially media-folk, have written today (and last night after the game) that last night’s win was “meaningless”.  Now, technically, it wasn’t meaningless because the Red Sox still have not been mathematically eliminated.  But even if you are unable to sustain the pipe dream* that the Red Sox could still make it to the post-season this year, if you are a Red Sox fan in any form I don’t see how you can call a Red Sox victory over the Yankees meaningless.  ESPECIALLY when it helps knock the Yankees down in the division race.  Last night’s game was NOT meaningless.  This afternoon’s game isn’t meaningless and, regardless of which team wins today, tomorrow night’s game isn’t meaningless.

The losses of my enemy are victories for me.

The only thing that truly concerned me last night was Mike Lowell being hit in the temple.  Ever since Natasha Richardson died, I’ve been hyper-sensitive about head injuries and seeing him get hit my first thought was “Get him the hell out of the game!”  So I wasn’t too happy with his staying in the game, even just to finish out that inning.  All reports are that he’s fine and Lars Anderson is playing first today so Mike is getting a day off to rest his rung bell.  It was a frightening moment and thinking that Mike Lowell might not be around for Mike Lowell Appreciation Day freaked me out more than just a bit.

Fox Sports will do their best to ruin our enjoyment of today’s game.  Don’t let them, people, fight the power.   I debated muting today’s game and using Joe Castiglione instead but curiosity will get the best of me.  Often times,  listening to Fox makes me realize how fortunate we are to have Jerry Remy and Don Orsillo.

Looking forward to this “meaningless” game.  How about you?

* I keep telling people that I realize the Red Sox season is over but, truthfully, deep inside I still have a glimmer of hope.  It’s tough for me to give up.  It’s not in my blood.

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