Mish Mash

In the off-season, unless things are really cooking, I usually scan the Internet to see what’s going on during any given day to give me ideas on what to write.  So, I was saddened to find, over the course of doing this today, that President Ford passed away.  I vaguely remember Nixon as President (mostly I remember the end of his presidency), but I remember Ford.  I actually used to watch his addresses on television.  Didn’t know what was going on, but I figured if the President was on tv it was important enough to watch.  So I’m sad about his passing.  93 years is a long time, but never long enough for the people who love you.

On a happier note, I had to get in a ‘Happy Birthday’ to my mom.  Regular readers around here know she peeks her head in and comments every so often, and she even wrote her own entry here on Mother’s Day this year.  My mother and I are very close, as everyone who knows me knows, and her support in all of my wackiness over the years has been immeasurable.  Just wanted to get in a ‘happy birthday’ and "I love you, MD" to her!

January is coming more quickly than it should…but the beginning of the year brings on some fun for me.  Just found out I’ll be at the "Hot Stove, Cool Music" show on January 7th…and then the following week brings 2 Bronson Arroyo concerts.

I’m nothing, if not loyal, eh? 

I hope everyone had a great holiday…I’m enjoying my week off!  Today with my mother, tomorrow with my sistahs and Friday with Madison…it’s a full week of fun and relaxing that, I promise you, I really need!

Have a great day, folks!

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