Girly Mode On – 2007

Bronsonjan82006hand_jpg_sizedTo take the edge off my last post, I give you this.  As the young ones say online:  "Squee!".

Ugh, I just ‘squeed’.  Let me tell you why.

In January, I’ll be visiting Mohegan Sun with Kelly to see Bronson Arroyo perform.

Mind you, I’ve seen Bronson play live three times.  This isn’t anything ‘special’ in that way.  But, as anyone who has read this blog in 2006 knows, I miss him being in Boston something awful.  So when my friend Janice alerted me to tickets going on sale, I jumped at the chance.  Kelly then jumped in and offered to accompany me.  Two of the sistahs hitting the casino just to watch Bronson perform.  Hey, I’m getting old, it takes a lot to entertain me these days.  Besides, if I actually ‘squeed’ in real life, she smack me until I stopped.  🙂

The idea of Bronson being back in New England makes me happy.  It’s silly and goofy and totally ridiculous, but it does. 

Of course I’ll have a review (Ha!  Sure I will…well, I’ll write about it anyway.)and some pictures to share after the show for those of you interested.

It’s something  moderately baseball-related to look forward to during the off-season and I AM looking forward to it!  Hey folks, it’s the little things in life.

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