Well, as I watch the Angels implode and come to terms with the idea of the White Sox being in the World Series, I’m thinking it’s time to discuss the teams and possibly why I feel the way I do about them. (Thanks to Kellia and a few others who asked me this question outright)
I never liked Ozzie Guillen as a player. Ironic, since he’s good friends with one of my favorites, Kevin Millar, but I didn’t. I find him abrasive and arrogant and full of entitlement. He’s done an amazing job with the White Sox this year, there is no arguing that, but if he were the manager of my team I’d be ashamed of some of the things, heck MOST of the things, that come out of his mouth.
Humility isn’t always a bad thing Ozzie. And since you have none, it seems most of your players don’t either.
I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen two more obnoxious winners than the White Sox and the Astros. Between Lance Berkman and AJ Pierzynski…I don’t think I could have called either LCS because I’d just spit at the microphone in disgust. Instead, the brilliant talking heads at Fox just mention their "spirit" and their "passion for winning". Yeah? Well Andy Pettitte and Paul Konerko have a passion for winning too and they’re probably the only guys on either of those teams who doesn’t make me want to turn the channel.
Now Astros and White Sox fans forgive me. But come on, I’m a Red Sox fan…there’s no reason I have to like your team. None of this means anything. It’s a journal, a place for me to voice my opinion. God knows I’m wrong about things as much as I’m right. But that doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion. And PLEASE spare me the emails and comments saying I’m jealous because the White Sox beat the Red Sox or because Clemens is an Astro not a Red Sox player. Ridiculous. Clemens is long gone from the Sox…I don’t even harbor much of the animosity I used to have when he was a Blue Jay and a Yankee. It just isn’t there anymore.
And I have repeatedly written that the White Sox DESERVED to win the ALDS. There’s no two ways about that. They beat the Red Sox and beat them hard. No jealousy there – it’s just a fact.
I’m not a big Scioscia fan either (obvious by the way I misspell his name almost every time I write it) but there are a lot of guys on that Angels team I really like. I’m sad they aren’t going to the WS (and I’m writing this during the ninth.it’s 6-3…sure they could come back – but I don’t see it happening)…but the White Sox deserve this one too. They are playing balls out. Again, just because they deserve it, doesn’t make me any happier about it.
The Cardinals are another story. It’s funny, almost immediately after the WS last year I remember telling someone that I hoped that Cards got back to the series THIS year. I follow the Cardinals. Have since about 2000. I’m a big Jim Edmonds fan; he’s probably my second favorite non-Red Sox player (Jim Thome being my first) so whenever I can root for them I do. But the Astros are definitely showing us that the Cards aren’t the powerhouse they were LAST year (prior to the World Series anyway)…as is my way, since I enjoy National League baseball more than American League if the Sox aren’t playing, I’m enjoyng the NLCS a bit more than the ALCS (I’m sure that also has to do with the folks calling each series…give me Brenneman and Lyons over McCarver and Buck ANY day, and twice on Sunday – oh, if ONLY!).
So I’m rambling. Very little to eat, almost no sleep and many doses of cold medicine will do that to you. As I typed that last line, the White Sox won…well, congratulations White Sox fans, you get your World Series…and your boys get some more rest waiting for the NLCS to end.
Man, if the Cardinals can’t step it up…I just might end up not watching the World Series at all.
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