Category: Rants

Sweet Caroline!

So I take my best friend (Mary) to see Neil Diamond tonight for her birthday.  We have a nice dinner…have great seats (and because other people bailed on us, we each have an empty seat next to us…so we have…

Scratch those Sweet Dreams…

Bronson is pitching tomorrow. Against Kenny Rogers. Bronson needs to get his head back into baseball.  I love him…and I’ve been supporting his music (bought a couple of his cds…been to 2 of his appearances…) but enough is enough.  Pitch…

Looking for an icepick…

…to jam into my ears.    I’m switching between the Sox/Royals game and the Yankees/Indians Game (after watching Manny walk off the field with his nose plugged…I’m giving the Sox a rest for a few minutes…why does our team get…