Category: Rants


I’m sick.  Some stuffy head, runny nose, hacking cough, mad freaking headachey thing that I’ve had since last Thursday.  Had it all through my Yankee weekend…but tonight the worst of it is my headache.  So in an effort to stay…

So many things to talk about…

Well, my man Mike Timlin has two consecutive saves under his belt…and my other man Kevin Millar had a two-homerun game yesterday that has seemingly shut up the boo-birds in Fenway (he also went 2-3 tonight – good show, Kevin!).…

When did I start drinking Bud Light?

When Keith Foulke went on the DL, I believe. Before then I was strictly a straight Budweiser or Corona chick (when it had to be beer). Now it’s pretty much any beer that isn’t dark.  Apparently the demise of the…

Dear Curt Schilling:

If at all possible, do you think you could STOP using Major League Baseball games as your own version of rehab? That would be great. Sincerely, The vast majority of Red Sox Nation