A Request for Assistance

Photo of the Taylor family provided by the Taylors at the request of Tru

Good morning folks. If you’re a regular reader here, you know about the nice things my friends Tru, Brenken and KellyO (among others) are doing for the Taylor family.

The short version, without giving too much away because the day is still a surprise to the children, is that the family of James Taylor Jr., a medivac nurse who died from injuries sustained in a helicopter crash earlier this month, will have a very special day at Fenway, just as he had always dreamed. His wife and three young boys will get to do what he wanted to do for them and then some, thanks to the generosity of so many. After posting two messages about it on this site, I received many queries on whether there was something you all could do to help.

And there is.

After talking with Tru last night, he’s made me aware that the travel costs for the family are the one issue we really haven’t discussed. For the boys, their mother and grandfather, the costs are pretty high. So we’ve decided to take you up on your offer of help and set up a fund to offset the costs of traveling here for their special day.

Because PayPal can be a pain when it comes to setting up charitable accounts, you all will have to take me at my word that the money you send will go directly to the Taylor family. Just as the case was when I sold the “K Cancer” shirts in honor of Jon Lester, and I was true to my word then as I am now.

We aren’t asking for a lot. As they say, every bit helps. And the Taylor family hasn’t asked us to do this, Tru and I took it upon ourselves to ask for your assistance. I’ll be at the game they’re attending (with a group of friends, including Tru and KellyO, who had tickets long before this all came about) and will make sure the family gets a bank check for the full amount folks have donated.

So if you’re so moved and are able to afford it, please consider donating to the “Taylor Fund”. If you have a PayPal account, you can go directly to their site, log in and select “send money” and fill out the form provided with my PayPal email address which is ebay at cyndonnelly dot com (just not written out that way. Trying to avoid spam to that account!). You can choose the “services/other” selection and either leave a message for the Taylors (which I’ll print out and bring to them) or just a message for me letting me know the money is for the Taylors.

Please keep in mind, the last day I’ll be able to accept donations is Monday, August 25th.

Again, just as with the “K Cancer” drive, your email addresses will remain confidential (and I’ll never send you spam! Just a ‘thank you’!) so there are no worries. Thanks, in advance, folks for what I know will be your kind generosity.

To read my previous posts about the Taylors click here and here.

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