I’m home tonight having a bit of a relapse so I’m taking it easy and I decide to rifle through the dvr and clean some things out of it. I actually have two dvrs and one of them is full of "Red Sox Report", "Red Sox This Week", "Red Sox Hot Stove", "Red Sox Rewind"…you get the idea. But on a different dvr, I have the May 1, 2006 Sox/Yankees game. The original game too, not the two hour shortened version. It just occurred to me that I live-blogged this game…so to entertain myself…I’m going to repost the live blog tonight.
Hey, it’s the off-season, what do you want? Besides, this game was from May 1st and it’s nice to re-live a part of the season when there was still so much hope!
I hope folks enjoy it…I’m going to read it and watch the game again! 🙂