I’ve been very harsh on him elsewhere. Mostly because I’m upset about all the losses when Wake pitches, regardless of who is really to ‘blame’.
But this is why I love Tim Wakefield.
”He’s not the reason we’re losing, or I’m losing. So get off of him. Right now"
Classiest guy in MLB. And he deserves better, from his ENTIRE team.
So, at Tim’s request, I’m ‘getting off’ Mr. Bard.
Edited to add one last thing about Josh. Between online and in-person discussions about him, I’m officially off the ‘get his butt out of there’ bandwagon that I was on earlier. This guy has the worst job on the team and it isn’t his fault he was thrown into this position. So while I respect anyone else’s desire to lament about his knuckleball catching skills…I will no longer be piling it on. Maybe some positive vibes from The Nation will help this guy!
Edited, yet again, to add this quote from Bard:
”I know [Wakefield] believes in me, and I believe in me."
How can I NOT root for this guy?
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