What a Day!

Timlinedit1_1 As Kellia pointed out in one of her comments on my blog today, it was a good day for the fan in me.  Mike Timlin got the win in the USA’s first game in the WBC today, Kevin Millar had an RBI double today in the Orioles loss to the Sox (and Manny was looking pretty darn good!), Papi hit two homeruns to help the Dominican team beat Venezuela and we’re all one day closer to ‘real’ baseball!


But still, I’m sad.  Sad about Kirby.  Sad, believe it or not, about Barry.

Mannydoinghisthingmarch72006_1 These are dark times for baseball fans…and they’re only getting worse.  Soon we’ll be hearing all about Kirby’s dark side.  His personal and legal problems.  And Barry…we’ll be hearing NOTHING but the Barry Bonds story over and over again.

I’ve never been a fan of Barry’s.  Not a bit.  Even so, there is a part of me…a BIG part of me…that is sad for him and because of him.  How terrible that someone with his obvious talent felt the need to (allegedly) go out and cheat? 

Kevinwithgabekaplermarch2006_1 So many people turned a blind eye for so long to the steroid issue…and now it’s coming back to smack us all in the face.

The road ahead will be long and dark and I’m hoping that my boys will be that ray of sunlight Papivladsjersey_1coming through the clouds.

One last item:  Kellia’s newest blog entry reminded me that I haven’t mentioned Vlad Guererro and the tragedy his family is going through.  Sadly having been there myself, I know what pain he’s dealing with and my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.  Good for him, also, for having his priorities in order.

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