Manny, Miggy…enough is enough!

Okay, so according to reports today, Miguel Tejada doesn’t want to be traded.  And depending on who you believe, neither does Manny Ramirez.

At this point, does anyone even care anymore? Tejada stomped his feet and pouted because he felt the Orioles weren’t doing enough to make the team a winning team.  (Gee, you’d think having Tejada, Sosa and Palmeiro on it last year would have  helped, huh?)  Manny, well Manny just must like seeing his name in the papers.  I don’t even TRY to figure him out.

So what Sox fans are left with is this…for yet another year, Manny made a trade request that in all likelihood will NOT be honored.  Again.  Rumor is that he is refusing to show up at Spring Training if he isn’t traded.  Although neither Manny nor his representative have said word one about this.  Do I think he’ll sit out?  And risk losing all that money?  No way.  I also don’t think he cares so deeply about whether or not he gets traded that he’d start making those kind of threats.

So with any amount of luck…when pitchers and catchers report in 38 days, Manny will be right behind them.  Miggy will be with the Orioles and the world of baseball will march on.

I want Manny in Red Sox come Spring Training.  I can’t help it…for all the Manny moments that are negative…the ones ON the field are the only ones I’m really concerned with.  Having Manny and Papi in the same lineup – yet again – is many an opposing pitcher’s nightmare and I love it.

Unless the weather gets REALLY bad and prohibits me from making the trek into town, I’ll be at the Hot Stove, Cool Music concert tonight.  In the true fashion of a Red Sox fan who just can’t let go – I am so looking forward to seeing Theo!!!

(And a shout out to the Patriots!  Way to go, boys!)

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