Tag: Pink Hats

Jacoby Ellsbury and the Pink Hats

Tom Brady is a very good quarterback. Can we all agree on this? I mean, if you’re a football fan you know this and if you aren’t you can Google his stats quickly enough and decide that, yes, he’s good…

I float as the clouds on air do

Yes, another picture of Kyle. So there you go. Photo taken by Kelly O’Connor/sittingstill.net on May 19, 2009 and used with permission. I don’t like to pick on other blogs but I’m making an exception today. Yesterday a blog that…

The Ultimate “Pink Hat”

I despise the phrase “pink hats” when used to describe bandwagon fans. It implies that the bandwagon fans are all women. This we know to be utter bullshit. So whenever someone uses that phrase in front of me, I make…