The only way to go is to go away

Baseball back home in less than a month!!  (Photo taken by me)

Baseball back home in less than a month!! (Photo taken by me)

TWO Sox games yesterday.  TWO!  Okay, one of them I had to enjoy via Twitter updates from random media people at the game, but still, we got to see the Red Sox play (and win!) twice yesterday.  True it was against college teams but that didn’t take away from the enjoyment of hearing the crack of the bat and the roar of the crowd and the season’s first pitcher taking one off his leg.  Wasn’t really looking forward to that last one but Junichi Tazawa apparently felt the need to improvise (no worries, he’s fine).

The Sox play the Twins tonight at 7:05 but we don’t get another televised game until this Sunday (and that’s on MLB Network NOT NESN so I’m not even sure those of us in New England will get to see it considering last year they blacked out the Reds/Sox game that Bronson Arroyo was starting).

Yesterday Casey Kelly threw 10 pitches and impressed everyone who saw him throw.  (Again, unless you were in Ft Myers you aren’t on that list because he pitched in yesterday’s first game.)   Big Papi hit a home run, Jose Iglesias hit a three run double, and no one has anything negative to write about this morning.  Of course that will probably change after tonight’s game and the true beginning of Spring Training games for the Sox.  I so look forward to more of the  “Is Papi Done” “Will JD be able to stay healthy” “Will Tek/Lowell/insert veteran player’s name here be a distraction” stories that are already being written.  Nothing says “Red Sox Baseball” like the local sports writers trying to create drama instead of just reporting on the team.  It’s more fun watching Don Orsillo and Jerry Remy and listening to them destroy the surnames of college students.

The game isn’t on television tonight but you can catch it on the radio and/or Gameday audio.  So no Remy and Orsillo but at least you get Joe Castiglione!

Today the MLB Network is airing three different Spring Training games.  At 1pm it’s the Mets, again, this time versus the Cardinals.  At 7pm it’s the Yankees, again, against the Phillies (which you know the Phillies will end up winning this one…just to rub it in that they could have) and then at 11pm, the Angels against the White Sox in Tempe, Arizona.  I don’t know that I’ve ever watched a Spring Training game from Arizona.  I’ll be interested to check that one out.

I went to sleep and woke up to snow coming down (although not sticking around) so getting to watch baseball in sunny, warm climes is very enticing right now.

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