Time isn’t present in that dimension

Aaron Bates (in his ML debut) wants no part of the Beckett/Watney battle! Photo taken by Kelly O’Connor/sittingstill.net and used with permission.

I have another post coming but I had to put this up. Witness NESN’s Heidi Watney confusing rookie Aaron Bates by insulting Josh Beckett while pretending to ask him (Bates) a question.

“…He can sometimes not be the friendliest guy in the bunch…”

Heidi, are you high? The man is the Ace of the team that you cover and you get your digs in to the new guy on the block? Nothing like putting him on the spot and making him uncomfortable. I’m sure I understand where this is coming from:

“You missed that question already, Heidi.”

Even still, whether Josh Beckett is the biggest tool to ever put on a baseball uniform or you just caught him on a bad night, it’s unprofessional to say something like that about a player TO another player, unless maybe you’re sitting in a bar shooting the breeze. Holding a microphone with cameras on you? Not too bright.

How happy do you think Josh will be now to answer any of your questions?

(I feel obligated to confess that I DO think Josh was a little harsh on her in that video – even though I don’t really think of him as a “tool”…but if, in fact, she was asking a question that was already asked, well, it isn’t exactly NEWS that Beckett doesn’t suffer fools or the media well.)

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