Yay, Jon!

8 pitches, 1-2-3 inning.  Jon Lester is coming along nicely!

I’m watching Sports Desk on NESN now and they just did a ‘Jon Lester Timeline’.  Part of it, they note that Jon had his last treatment on December 21, 2006 – at Dana Farber.  Well, they were half-right.  He had the treatment where he had all his treatments except the first, at Fred Hutchinson in Seattle.  I don’t know why so many in Boston seem to ignore the fact that Jon is from Washington and received his treatments there.  Fred Hutchinson is a wonderful treatment facility and shouldn’t be ignored just because it isn’t in Boston.  Okay, I’m off my soapbox.  I’m so proud of Jon.  I can’t wait to see him pitch in person again.

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