Reminiscing: Games 3 & 4 of the 2004 ALCS

Bronsongame32004alcs Bronson Arroyo will be pitching this weekend in Japan.  That, coupled with the end of baseball has me being melancholy for the days of Bronson in Boston.  So, what did I do?  I put on game 3 of the 2004 ALCS. 

Muellergame32004alcs Yes.  Game 3.  THAT game.  19-8.  (Few people remember that the Sox lead for a moment, 4-3 in this game)  I forget most of that game.  I forgot the Sox had the lead, albeit briefly, and I forgot that Al Leiter basically spent all of Arroyo’s time on the mound ripping him apart.  I forgot that the game was tied in the fourth.  I DID remember that Arroyo started that game, that Wakefield took it for the team (he was supposed to start the next game and instead offered to go in and eat up innings). To be fair to Bronson, when he left the game it was still possible to be won by the Sox.  But anyway, it all worked Timlingame4alcs2004out in the end didn’t it?  Even so, I found that I wasn’t able to watch the entire game, because it was too painful to watch all those tight close-ups Fox had to get in of the players.  As if they were trying to catch one of the Red Sox off-guard crying. 

SO I decided to slap on game 4.

As I type this, Dave Roberts steals 2nd base.  Yes Yankees fans, come tell me how Red Sox fans live in the past.  Sue me.  It is November and I feel crappy and I won’t be up at 4am for the first game in Japan in the morning, so I just watched Bill Mueller tie the game in the bottom of the ninth. 

Bronsongame42004alcsSome idiot brought a sign to that game that read "I can’t believe we fell for this again" or something like that.  What the hell is the point of bringing a sign like that to a game for a team you ROOT for?  (I love the replay of the Mueller hit.  Rivera hitting the ground, not being able to stop the ball.  Truly a magnificent moment in Red Sox history.)

Of course, they couldn’t do anything easily.  Joe Buck says "the Red Sox are a hit away from forcing a game five".  Needless to say, the game went to 12 innings.  Something else I forgot, that Johnny got on base in this inning, (They just showed the dugout going crazy, throwing water, banging coolers on the ground) thanks to a Tony Clark error.  How many folks remember that the ninth inning ended with the bases loaded and Big Papi making the third out?  Huh?  Huh?  ๐Ÿ™‚

Embreegame42004alcs_1 Tim McCarver shares a story.  Day of game 4, after doing their obligatory interviews, Terry Francona said goodbye to the reporters by saying  "see you tomorrow", Joe Torre said, "see you next Saturday".

How many people remember the winning pitcher for Game 4?  I remembered that as well…the guy has quite the spot in the hearts of Sox fans – Curtis Leskanic, the ****.  ๐Ÿ™‚

Leskanic2004alcsgame4_1So here comes the 12th inning.  Two year ago, I run out of the room and dig up a Sox cap which I flip inside out and throw on my head just as Manny gets his hit.  My father, who initially teased me about the rally cap, turns to me and says "do NOT take that cap off".  Well, we all remember what happens next…but I’ll let Joe Buck take it from here. "Ortiz into deep right field…back is Sheffield…see you later tonight!"

Woohoogame42004alcsAnd there was much rejoicing.  Of course, Chris Myers tried to ruin it with his "those Red Sox fans who hung around" crack as he interviewed Papi after the homerun (the place was packed, no one left, but why should Myers let facts get in the way of a cheap shot? (But seeing Manny blow off an ESPN reporter to get to the dugout is priceless and worth listening to Myers!)

So on these days when I don’t feel well and I miss baseball, I’ll always have these amazing moments at my fingertips, to watch any time I want.

I love technology.  ๐Ÿ™‚

(I took all of these pictures tonight.  Low-tech.  Used my digital camera to take pictures of my television.  So they aren’t the best quality.  I took pictures of moments not usually shown – except the last one – when flashing back to Game 4.  With no disrespect to Dave Roberts or David Ortiz intended at all.  Besides, these were the ones that came out the best!)

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