They don’t call him “Schm uck” for nothing

P1031591reg Here’s how Peter Schm uck (how much do you think his mother hated him, giving him that name?) starts his column this morning:

One of the real joys of watching a game between the Orioles and Boston Red Sox at Camden Yards is listening to the boorish Sox fans sitting right in front of the press box.

So at least we know, right off the bat, that the reason he’s grumpy is because more Red Sox fans than Orioles fans bothered to show up this weekend.

He then goes on about the ‘limited vocabulary’ of Sox fans.  Again, as if other baseball fans don’t use off-color language.  Heck, I went to Camden Yards last year and a guy in front of me called Big Papi names that would probably get him arrested if he had the sack to do it to his face (probably get him killed too…).

But, wait!  Mr. Schm uck actually proves my point for me in another part of his article:

When a fan in a Yankees hat snagged a foul ball in the upper deck in the sixth inning, his post-catch histrionics brought Orioles fans and Red Sox fans together for an off-color, anti-Yankees chant. Finally, something everyone in the ballpark could agree on.

Now, they mentioned this on NESN during the game yesterday (except, they pointed out that the fan was being obnoxious after he caught the ball by waving around his Yankees gear.  A little tidbit Schm uck neglects to pass along).

So, as long as the Orioles fans are doing it, it’s acceptable?  Even when it’s with Red Sox fans?  I get it  now.

I’ve heard from two different people, who have no connection to each other, that in Texas last week, Rangers fans were harassing the Red Sox bullpen with language so, let’s say ‘colorful’, that it actually started upsetting the bullpen (and one of the people who emailed me about this said she got into it verbally with some of the jackasses doing the heckling).  So where is the outrage?  Where are the "Oh, the Rangers fans shouldn’t be let out in public" stories?  There aren’t any.  Because, unless you’re talking about the Red Sox, no one notices these things.  It’s fine when fans do this trash-talking, but for a supposed "journalist" to actually get paid to write this tripe?  It’s downright sad.  Pathetic even. 

And this guy has a Hall of Fame vote.  Egads.

(And, folks, I’m not linking Schm uck’s column here.  No way am I giving him the clicks.  It’s in today’s Baltimore Sun and you can find it online at their site.)

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