Tag: Fred Lynn

We have a winner…

…and sadly it isn’t the Red Sox. 0-6. All I have to say is we need our boys to come home (also, if I hear booing tomorrow while I’m at Fenway you’ll most likely be reading my name in a…

Goodbye, Chuck

The 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates are the team that truly made me realize and appreciate that there was baseball outside of the Boston Red Sox.  I always credit the 1979 World Series and especially the Pirates for giving me an appreciation…

Baseball on Sunday

I have vivid memories of my childhood.  Growing up, Sunday was the day we spent at my grandparents’ house.  They had five children and seven grandchildren (yes, this is the smaller side of the family) and each Sunday, no matter…

I float as the clouds on air do

Yes, another picture of Kyle. So there you go. Photo taken by Kelly O’Connor/sittingstill.net on May 19, 2009 and used with permission. I don’t like to pick on other blogs but I’m making an exception today. Yesterday a blog that…