Carl Crawford telling the world that his 6 year-old son might be “a closet Red Sox fan” because he was so excited about Crawford joining Boston kept me smiling all day yesterday.
I know he’s going to be rich beyond anyone’s wildest dreams and that’s the real reason he’s happy to be in Boston, but yesterday Crawford said all the right things and gave Red Sox fans yet another reason to be excited about this upcoming season. I’m as happy about this season as I have been any other…and a little bit more so at the idea of seeing both Adrian Gonzalez and Carl Crawford playing in home whites at Fenway. Jason Varitek hanging around Fenway for another season pleases me too. Tek has his detractors but I’m not one of them. There’s a happy feeling that I get knowing Tek is around. As I wrote a few entries ago, same goes for Tim Wakefield. I’m going to enjoy having the old guard in the park along with the new blood. I feel like those being miserable about what has happened so far this off-season just don’t want to try and enjoy what we have. That’s not to say I don’t understand why some folks would question the length or amount of Crawford’s contract (it’s a bit mind-boggling) but I feel like it’s a no-brainer to say he’ll be a great addition to the team. If I have to pay a few extra dollars for a seat, or a beer, or a dog, and the upside is I’ll be using that seat, drinking that beer or eating that dog at a playoff game, I’m all right with that.
I’ve been meaning to bring up Bronson Arroyo signing an extension with the Reds. It’s so amusing to me how things change with time and, relative, success. Longtime readers of the blog know how devastated I was when Theo traded Bronson. (Oh, Wily Mo). I was counting the days until he was out of his contract. After a career first season with the Reds, Bronson was given an extension, adding four years and around $25 million in salary. I had to be happy for him but his contract ending in 2010 seemed so far away. Now he’s been given another extension, three years and $35 million and instead of lamenting how long he’ll be with the Reds, I’m happy that he’s become such a valuable fixture in the rotation. I must be getting soft in my old age. 🙂
If you haven’t heard of Dirk Hayhurst, The Garfoose or The Bullpen Gospels, you’re missing out on some entertaining musings. Dirk is a talented writer (and current free-agent pitcher) who uses his time to entertain and encourage those who read him. Last night, he jumped on Ustream and read chapters from the book he is currently working on for roughly 25 fans who caught his mention of it on Twitter. Along with having a pleasant voice to listen to, he has a knack for story telling and it was a unique and fun way to spend an evening. Dirk has really mastered using social media outlets to connect with fans. It would please me if more players could do this. I know not all of them have books to promote, but there are still ways to interact with the fans without it being intrusive for the players while giving the fans a taste of the athletes they support. Maybe they should give social media classes to the players? I’m looking for work and would be happy to assist!
There is an awful lot to appreciate about baseball. I’m appreciating how Theo and the trio seem to be going out of their way to make sure we appreciate them this year!
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