This is the face America saw all night last night! Courtesy of Kelly O'Connor/sittingstill.net and used with permission.
“It’s meaningless!” “It’s stupid!” “It’s boring!” “I can’t stand to listen to Chris Berman yelling ‘Back! Back! Back!’ all night!”
Whatever the reasons, many people don’t like the Home Run Derby. I’m not one of them. While it isn’t my favorite attraction that MLB gives us, there is something entertaining not only in watching the home runs but in watching the players interact and react to the home runs.
Last night, David Ortiz once again showed why he has such a place of honor in Major League Baseball. Not because he won the contest but because of how he acted during it all. Knowing that a good final outing by Hanley Ramirez would mean he lost the Derby, Papi was still out there encouraging him and cheering him on (telling Erin Andrews later that Hanley is like a son to him!). It was quite the sight and something that seemed to take the ESPN guys (Yes, America, Bobby Valentine really did call him “Jose Ortiz” and then try to laugh it off by saying “I hope his middle name is Jose”) by surprise.
Tonight is the All Star Game and while I genuinely don’t care who wins, I just want the Sox to represent well, I hope folks watch and are entertained. I won’t be able to watch tonight due to a family issue but I know folks will keep me posted in case Adrian Beltre takes out Joe Girardi.
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