Hopefully a depiction of what we'll see after tonight's game. Photo courtesy of Kelly O'Connor/sittingstill.net and used with permission.
Okay, so they didn’t win the series and they didn’t sweep but they, at least, regained a bit of self-respect last night.
I made the decision to mute the ESPN game and listen to WEEI instead. Best decision I made all weekend. I’ve tried doing this before and because I get nosy I always ended up switching back to ESPN – but not last night. I can’t stress enough how much more enjoyable NOT listening to Morgan and Miller made the game.
Nine hits off of AJ Burnett, whose ERA went from 1.99 to begin the game to 3.40 by the end of his outing. Papi scored a run, hit a double and knocked in a run. Drew went 2 for 3 and both Beltre and Hermida went 2 for 4 and the pitching (led by Lester who was followed by Manny Delcarmen and Tim Wakefield) looked like they are supposed to look. A great game to have on national television. All they need to do now is keep it up this week…this is how streaks get started, yes?
Three game series against the Blue Jays starts tonight with Lackey going against Brandon Morrow. Tomorrow night, Daisuke takes the mound and it will be the first time I actually get to sit down and watch him pitch this season. (We’ll be live chatting so be sure to drop by!) Then on Wednesday we get afternoon baseball at 1:35 with Beckett on the mound – which will be my first trip back to Fenway in a couple of weeks. Sox have a good chance to get things going this week but the trip starts with that first step by Lackey tonight.
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