Last night it was Youk's turn to get beat about the head. WTG, Youk! (Photo courtesy of Kelly O'Connor/sittingstill.net and used with permission)
Happiness, these days, is two wins in a row. Their being walk-offs is a nice touch that helps stir up all the warm and fuzzy feelings we’ve come to associate with this team.
Here’s the thing, though…I vote for no walk-off tonight. I vote for an old-fashioned beat down of the Rangers so intense that we know in the second inning that when we leave Fenway we’ll be hearing “Dirty Water”.  Is that too much to ask?
I don’t want Clay Buchholz to struggle, I want him to dominate. I still want the bullpen to perform scorelessly…but maybe we only need to use them an inning or two, eh?
Darnell McDonald hitting another home run? Okay, I’m good with that. (Damn, what kind of week is this guy having, huh? HE’S going to be expecting a walk-off win EVERY night!) I could stand a few more JD Drew grand slams while we’re at it.
I’m conflicted watching this whole Papi/Lowell thing going down. (Condensed version: Lowell pinched-hit for Papi on Monday, started as DH last night and will be the DH again tonight.) On one hand, watching Papi go through this is rough and I would never have wished it upon him. On the other hand, tough decisions had to be made and the fact that Tito made them should prove to some folks that he, indeed, DOES know what he’s doing and has better talents at handling these sorts of things than any of us do. Tito isn’t going to react to things going on with the team based on the media hounding him or the fans booing. Some day folks will get that the guy has his job because he knows what he’s doing.
The live chat last night was a lot of fun – thanks so much to everyone who dropped by. As it stands, the next one is scheduled for next Tuesday when the Sox are in Toronto – so mark your calendars!
I’m at Fenway tonight to see CJ Wilson try to best Clay. It’s slow going but things are already giving for the Sox. No reason to believe they won’t keep going that way.