I love this photo of Ryan Westmoreland beating the throw. Thought it was fitting for today. Thanks to Kelly O'Connor/sittingstill.net for not only taking the photo but allowing me to use it. (Which means, please don't use it on your own site unless you clear it with Kelly first)
This morning Gordon Edes tweeted something that really slaps you in the face:
Sox attention today is focused on Phoenix, Az., where 19-year-old Ryan Westmoreland is to undergo delicate brain surgery.
I’ve been trying to figure out all morning what to write about and kept putting Ryan aside because I figured many people would be writing about him today but, truthfully, it’s tough to not think about a 19 year-old kid going in for brain surgery.
There’s nothing I can say that hasn’t already been said but I’d like to add my voice to the chorus of those wishing Ryan luck with his surgery today. If he can come back from this and play ball again, that will be fabulous, but all I really hope is that he can bounce back from this and recover as well as humanly possible.
My thoughts are with Ryan and I’ll be praying for him today. Prayers that he comes out of surgery safely and healthy and that his road to recovery begins soon.