Photo of "Gonzi" (oh Tito. You and your nicknames.) courtesy of Kelly O'Connor/sittingstill.net and used with permission.
Very happy with two wins in a row. Less happy about the rain pouring down on us right now that will, almost definitely, cancel tonight’s game (if for no other reason than I’d like to see Beckett get one more game in before the playoffs begin) but what are you going to do?
Two things that made me happy yesterday:
*Â CC Sabathia got his hat handed to him by the Rays, hopefully cementing the Cy Young Award for Zach Greinke (or at least making sure he put himself out of the running for it)
*Â Someone found my blog by Googling “Brett Myers is an asshole”
*Â The asswipe who videotaped Erin Andrews was arrested.
1 thing that made me angry yesterday:
* The Indians using Alex Gonzalez for target practice. If we lose him for the playoffs I might have to find a Cleveland fan and punch them. (Okay, probably not. But only because I don’t know any Cleveland fans.)
I’m actually going out to enjoy this lovely day (hey I dig the rain as long as I’m not sitting in the middle of a park getting soaked) and then tomorrow, rain or shine, I’ll be at Fenway for the final game of the regular season.   If it’s possible to be happy and sad at the same time, that’s where I’ll be tomorrow.
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