Make it so, JPB. Photo courtesy of Kelly O'Connor/sittingstill.net and used with permission.
While I wouldn’t congratulate the Yankees if the lot of them cured cancer, AIDS and herpes all on the same day, I will ask this: Why were people (read: some New York sports writers) complaining that they were celebrating yesterday? They just clinched the damn division – I think that’s worthy of a slug of champagne or two.
Mind you, I didn’t watch one moment of the celebration (thank you, universe, for making sure they clinched on national television so the world could see it) but they earned it so why give them grief about it? I have a list of things I’d rather bitch about the Yankees for doing or not doing – celebrating such an accomplishment isn’t on it.
So now that THAT is over with we can focus on what’s really important: The Red Sox getting into the post-season. They have yet another shot tonight to do it with a win over the Blue Jays coupled with the Angels beating the Rangers. Unfortunately, the Rangers play in California so even if the Sox do win tonight, we won’t know if they’ve clinched the wild card spot until past midnight.
I have a question for folks. Why do some place so much importance on the division when the wild card is also available? Yeah, you could argue that being the leader of the division means your the best but being second best in the American League East still makes you better than other teams around the league.
Right now the Red Sox are at 91-64. This ties them with the Angels (first place in the West) and puts them well over the Tigers (first place in Central with an 83-72 record).  The Phillies lead the NL East with a 90-65 record while the Cardinals just clinched their place in the post-season with a Central Division leading 90-66 record. The Dodgers? Their in the playoffs too. Their record? 93-63. So instead of being bummed that the Red Sox couldn’t take the division this year, remember that it isn’t an indication of their not being a good team. Hell, they’re better than most of the teams that have already clinched a playoff spot. There is no shame in getting into the post-season via the Wild Card – regardless of what your Yankees fan friends tell you. So suck it up, people, and get ready for the magic number to go from two to zero!
(Before folks think I’m being judgmental or holier-than-thou in regard to the Yanks and how people feel about them beating up on the Red Sox, I’ll share that yesterday after the game I wrote this on Twitter: “It would be awesome if Joba took a champagne cork to the eye” – so I have no high ground here!!! I just think we should TRY to not obsess on losing to the Yanks if the Sox are still going to be in the playoffs.)
Regardless of the final outcome yesterday, Paul Byrd definitely deserves props for his role in the game. He pitched well, he kept his team in the game and he made me believe that he can handle pressure circumstances when they arise. Do I want him throwing 6 or 7 innings in a post-season? Nope. But would I hate to see him come out of the bullpen for an inning or two if need be. Not at all. If I had a hat I’d be tipping it to Byrd. Sometimes it’s nice to be wrong.
I’ve been invited to Fenway tonight and I’m looking forward to it. It’ll be the last game I get to for the season before the final game on Sunday and I feel like I need the extra day there to let it all sink in that the regular season is over at the end of the week. Josh Beckett goes for his 17th win of the season and if he can pull it off and the Angels give us a little help against the Rangers, when we wake up tomorrow our boys could be going to the playoffs for the sixth time in seven years. Looking at it that way, why would we be picky about how they get there?
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