
I have hope

I have hope

I, surprisingly, don’t have one.  Guess a $7 bottle of wine isn’t what it used to be.

You know your friends are as die-hard as you when one of them texts you about the game at 8am while she’s on a girl’s weekend in New York – the night after a game ends past 1am.  🙂

KellyO (not the texter mentioned above) has an amazing way of getting me to take a breath and look at things more rationally than I sometimes do.  Today is one of those days.  I woke up this morning not at all bothered by the loss.  Well, bothered in a “Man it sucks that they lost, what the hell is wrong with Beckett and why does Tito enjoy putting Mike Timlin in early morning, extra-inning, tie games” way, but, generally speaking, not bothered.  Leaving Tampa with a split is a nice way to go back to Boston.  I don’t believe in momentum all that much.  Fact still is that Tampa lost one at home and now the Sox have three shots in THEIR home to get wins and, ultimately, finish this up.  I like the chances of that happening.

What I hate, though, is having to wait until tomorrow for it to start up again.  Thankfully, it’s an afternoon game, so we gain four hours on the usual time.  I’ll be there.  With bells on.  And my Timlin jersey too.

Got word from WEEI that the voting process will, most likely, kick in on Monday.  I’ll have the info here as soon as it goes live.  Special thanks to everyone who has been inquiring about this.  I really appreciate the support!

It’s a beautiful day, thus far.   Sox are coming home and Jon Lester is on the mound tomorrow.  There are many reasons to smile today!

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