Won’t you wear my ring…

Why, yes, Bronson, yes I will.


That’s me wearing Bronson’s World Series ring.  πŸ™‚ (Photo by Kelly O – played with by me!)

Got home around 2am…so I’m still beat.  But it was a wonderful night!  Bronson did a great show (in spite of the annoying, drunken chicks older than me sitting up front!) and then signed for everyone afterward.  He posed for pictures and let folks wear his World Series ring.  What a guy.  

AND I got to ask him about  his jersey number!!  He was very gracious in answering me.  I told him that I had been to Pawtucket and saw the display there for his perfect game.  (I geekily added "By the way, congratulations on that!  Good for you!"  Ugh.)  Then I asked, "Did you choose your uniform number because of that game?"

When I started off by asking him if I could ask him a question, he put his pen down, looked at me and said "Sure!".  He is certainly one of those people who gives you all of his attention when you’re speaking with him.  As I said to Kelly O and Cindy, I have no idea how I formed coherent sentences without adding a teenybopper scream in the middle of them.  But I did. πŸ™‚

Bronson and I (oh yes, most flattering picture of me, I know!) discussing the important issue of his jersey number. (Courtesy of Kelly O)

He remembered that the game was Game 61 ("Oh, yeah.  You mean because it was game 61, right?") but then he fessed up.

"No," he shook his head and smiled, "that was just the number they gave me when they called me up.  Not much of a story, huh?"  

It might not be much of a story, but at least my curiosity was satisfied and he was a doll for spending so much time with me.  I got to wish him good luck for this season and we were on our way to try on his ring.

Incidentally, I also found out that my interpretation of his new lyrics for "Boston" was off by one.  

I wrote:

I said
I think I’ll go to Boston
I think I need to come back
I think I need a ballpark
Where all the fans are there
I gotta get out of Cincinnati
I’m tired of the
I think I need the Olde Town
To fill my heart again
Ah yeah

The "summer" line always stuck with me as not making sense.  He sang his altered version again last night, and  the word he sang was "suburbs" (at least that’s what it sounded like over the screaming, drunken, old ladies) which makes a bit more sense. πŸ™‚

It was a great time.  Being there with friends (along with Cindy and  Kelly O, Dori, Dave and Dave’s girlfriend whose name I stupidly keep forgetting, were there!) made it more special.  And Bronson did his best to make it memorable.

I think I’m going to take a nap. πŸ™‚ 

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