Tag: Tim Wakefield

My Red Sox Confessions

I’m not one who complains about Daylight Savings; I dig it being light out at 7, 8pm. But, apparently, it has been messing with my sleep patterns because this week I have gotten up every day at least an hour…

Keep Hope Alive

I wondered this online last night and I’ll wonder it again here:  Yesterday all the professionals were talking or writing about how the blowout on Tuesday night was proof of Tampa Bay’s dominance over the Red Sox.  Jerry Remy went…

Tit for tat I guess

If we’re allowed to get excited about the wins then we’re allowed to get upset about the losses.  But, honestly, I just can’t.  I certainly don’t want them to lose but that doesn’t mean I’m going to tie myself up…

Knuckling Under

As real life continues to get in the way of my blogging, it took me a while to realize I was heading toward two days in a row without a blog entry.  I needed little time to figure out what…