Tag: Tim Wakefield

I Seem to be in a Mood to Rant

So I’m on redsox.com looking over the roster and am reminded of things that need to be said before the seasons “really” begins. * It’s Buchholz. B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z. For cryin’ out loud, sports writers have been spelling Mientkiewicz correctly for years…

Sleepy Seeds

Got word last night that Tru arrived in Japan safely. YAY! When he’s caught up on work (and sleep!), I hope he’ll be sending us another update. If you missed his first entry, I’ve created a page for the links…

Dia duit!

It was to a AAA team and during Spring Training so some people will overlook it, but Tim Wakefield threw five innings of no-hit baseball yesterday while Kevin Cash was behind the plate. I’d say Wake is finding a way…

Ramblings of the sleep-deprived

I’m tired too, Josh. I’ve been up all night due to a family emergency (got the word at 3:30am that things aren’t as bad as we thought but keep us in your prayers) and because I do have to go…