Tag: Mark Kotsay

Wins. Wins are nice.

I really enjoy these mornings when watching “Breakfast with the Sox” is something I go out of my way to do.  (When the Sox lose, I don’t watch the replays, hell I usually don’t even watch the post-game show!) As…

Baseball Overload!

The PawSox lost tonight.  This bummed me out much more than I expected.  Best I can figure, I’m subconsciously anticipating how I’ll feel when their season is over if Kyle Snyder doesn’t get a call-up.  Which, as the month goes…

Victory is pretty damn sweet

Okay, I’m trying not to be gloaty about this Sox/Yanks series but DAMN these last two games have been fabulous and fun to watch! And for the first time in a while, Crabcakes has no pressure to pitch. He doesn’t…

You win some and you win some

Mini-game thread in the comments tonight – which was fun. Going to have to do that more often. Tonight the Sox showed the Yanks they weren’t going to go quietly into the night. A little nerve-wracking what with all the…