Tag: Joe Thurston

Bits and Pieces

It was a busy weekend and I, obviously, didn’t spend much time writing…and, unfortunately, I’m going to be a little lazy today as well and just throw out some random bits: *  Jason Varitek declined arbitration.   So this means other…

Victory is pretty damn sweet

Okay, I’m trying not to be gloaty about this Sox/Yanks series but DAMN these last two games have been fabulous and fun to watch! And for the first time in a while, Crabcakes has no pressure to pitch. He doesn’t…


First off, some housekeeping.  For those of you who comment here and want to change your avatar…if you go here, you can register your email address and upload your own.  If you get a message that your email address is…

Another Day

So the sports talk all around town today will be the Celtics. I work relatively close to the Garden and pick up my ride home each night even closer, so I anticipate seeing much green surrounding me today. It’ll be…