Tag: Hot Stove Cool Music

Signs of Spring

This weekend, baseball season begins in Boston! Truck Day isn’t until February 8th, but this weekend we get two events that have become the annual signs of Spring:  The Hot Stove/Cool Music concert at the Paradise (and the roundtable discussion…

I see your face to start my day

Okay so things didn’t go exactly the way I planned they would on Saturday.  I did attend the New Stars for Young Stars event at Jillian’s in the morning and then the Hot Stove Cool Music round table at Fenway…

Down by the banks of the River Charles

Today is a funky, unique day in Boston.  This morning, the Jimmy Fund is hosting their annual “New Stars for Young Stars” event at Jillian’s.  Players who are scheduled to be appearing include Trot Nixon and Curt Schilling (not exactly…