Tag: Clay Buchholz

A Good Decision

So I get excited for baseball and settle in to watch the game on ESPN last night.  I had started to develop a headache, but chalked it up to a full weekend and weird sleep patterns.  But game time, the…

Baseball Tonight!

Okay, so it’s Nationals/Braves, but still REAL baseball! And it’s on ESPN, so we get to start our Morgan hate right off. All in all, I’m quite looking forward to 8:05pm. Watching the Sox/Dodgers at the Coliseum last night I…

I Seem to be in a Mood to Rant

So I’m on redsox.com looking over the roster and am reminded of things that need to be said before the seasons “really” begins. * It’s Buchholz. B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z. For cryin’ out loud, sports writers have been spelling Mientkiewicz correctly for years…

Hey! Ho! Let’s Go!

(Photo by Junko Kimura/Getty Images) I stayed up for a bit of the game last night – watching Clay Buchholz and Kyle Snyder pitch. Kyle gave up 3 hits and a run (on a home run) over 2.1 innings and…