Tag: Bronson Arroyo

New Stars for Young Stars IX

In Boston we are fortunate. While so many other baseball towns suffer through the boredom of the off-season, we get all kinds of fun events to keep reminding us that baseball is again just around the corner. One of the…

Random Bits

After all my complaining about people complaining about the team in Spring Training I have to fess up and admit that watching last night’s game was painful. I’m not proud.  The game drove me crazy.  Good God, it’s already started,…

My Red Sox Confessions

I’m not one who complains about Daylight Savings; I dig it being light out at 7, 8pm. But, apparently, it has been messing with my sleep patterns because this week I have gotten up every day at least an hour…

Snowy Thursday

Truck Day will be upon us in two week’s time. Because of this fact, I should be more inspired to write about baseball but listening to the plows go by my house and watching the snow pile up in feet…