Category: 2011

Tito isn’t walking through that door

I’m trying to corral all the thoughts I have about Bobby Valentine possibly (probably?) being the new Red Sox manager so forgive me in advance for what will most likely be rambling. I’ll start off by saying his was the first…

No MVP for Jacoby

I want to be happy for Justin Verlander.  If I’m being honest, my first reaction to the news that he won MVP was “They chose a pitcher!!!” with much joy behind it.  So I will say that, generally speaking, I’m…

Take a breath, Red Sox fans

I have my preferences.  Terry Francona left me with a feeling of calm when it came to future mangers with little experience or not-great records.  I haven’t been bothered or worried by the choices showing up for interviews on Yawkey…

So long Jonathan not Jon

As I often do when the subject is emotionally fueled, I wrote three different openings for this entry before I got the feel for what I wanted to write. I’ve often said that as amazing as 2004 was, 2007 was…