Tag: Boston Red Sox

Why Does Boston Hate Eric Wilbur?*

My relationship with John Lackey is an odd one. Especially given that we’ve never met.** I wasn’t a fan when he was with the Angels. I thought he was a good pitcher but a little obnoxious. It felt like he…

What the Hell Happened?

  On Saturday, November 2, 2013, nine months ago tomorrow, the Red Sox and the City of Boston threw a parade. Nine freaking months ago. As of yesterday, seven players who were with that Championship team have been traded. Seven.…

Thoughts While Trying to Ignore the Blow Out

Sunday is big family dinner day at my parents’ house. Yesterday there were fewer people there than usually are and there were still 7 people at dinner.  So we’re eating our dinner, enjoying each other’s company, when my brother-in-law turns…