Category: 2010


You know what’s wonderful?  Waking up and finding out that not everyone is snowed by mystique and aura.  Waking up to read that someone who will already be making millions of dollars doesn’t think it’s necessary to make even more…

This and That

Carl Crawford telling the world that his 6 year-old son might be “a closet Red Sox fan” because he was so excited about Crawford joining Boston kept me smiling all day yesterday. I know he’s going to be rich beyond…

Happiness is…

I’m giddy.  Gid freaking dy. Before signing off the Internet last night, I hit refresh on my Twitter feed and in an instant it was announced that the Red Sox had signed Carl Crawford.  This announcement came a few hours…

Call it a (fingers crossed) comeback

I will have an entire season (and, most likely, many more) to write about Adrian Gonzalez.  Tonight I write about something that made me very, very happy to read.  Two tweets from our friend Alex Speier on Twitter Monday evening:…