Oh Dustin. I look forward to seeing this sight next year! Photo courtesy of Kelly O'Connor/sittingstill.smugmug.com and used with permission.
Oh Manny.
Everything was my fault, but you have to be a real man to realize when you do wrong. It was my fault, right? I already passed that stage. I’m happy. I’m on a new team. When I went to first base, I told (Kevin) Youkilis, ‘What happened between you and me, that’s my fault. I’m sorry.’ It takes a real man to go and tell a person it was my fault and that’s what I did.
While I will fully admit that my initial reaction was to focus on the “real man” lines (because, really, that’s something someone else should say about you not something you should tell folks about yourself: “Look at me! I’m a REAL man now!”) the truth is, I’m still a little stunned. When I checked the Droid last night and read the headline “Manny apologizes for his exit from Boston” I was convinced it was a joke. It certainly doesn’t make up for what he did (or, really, what he said after he left) but it’s so much more than I ever expected from him. It’s interesting to think that Manny is starting to focus on what his legacy will be once he isn’t playing ball and is trying to do some kissing and making up. Doesn’t change a lot for me but I think it will make a huge difference to a lot of fans. Johnny Damon could take some lessons in fan relations from Manny (holy cow did I just type that?).
In regard to a player I’d much rather write about, Dustin Pedroia bit the bullet yesterday and had season-ending surgery on his foot.  This makes two infielders and two outfielders who were starters not being able to play the season (Youkilis, Ellsbury and Cameron round out the group). I’m sorry, I know folks don’t like pointing to injuries and saying they are the reason for a bad season but THINK about how many injuries to key players this team has withstood this season and think about the fact that the Sox still are actually in the playoff hunt (it’s a long shot, I get it, but they’re still in it technically and in a much better position than they really should be given what tremendous hits they’ve taken in 2010).
I’ll definitely miss the 1pm game today and possibly will miss the 7pm game. Yanks and Rays both won last night so the road hasn’t gotten any easier. Still, I have hope. How about you?
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