Have some champagne, Timmy, you deserve it! Photo courtesy of Kelly O'Connor/sittingstill.net and used with permission.
Tim Wakefield, man.
In discussing his achievement of pitching the most innings of any pitcher in Red Sox history, he praised Roger Clemens and credited both John Farrell and Victor Martinez for assisting him in getting to his goals. The man can’t even just sit happily and let folks heap praise upon him and bask in the moment – he has to continue giving back.
Over the course of the various incarnations of this blog, I’ve written about my feelings for Wake. They’re the feelings I think most Red Sox fans have – the guy busts his tail for the team, does more charity work than maybe any Sox player since Ted Williams, seems to be a fabulous teammate and just comes across as an all-around good guy. The fact that he’s more often than not a good and effective pitcher almost seems like gravy. I don’t want to think of a time when Wake won’t be with the team. For all the comings and goings of players I like, his departure just might be the most difficult one I’ll have to face. For now, I’m just going to enjoy the fact that he’s still with the team and he can still pitch like he means it. Thanks for all of it, Tim!
Another victory on a live chat night puts us at 8 for 8. If you’re planning on going to a Sox game, you might want to try and schedule it for a Tuesday…s’all I’m saying. :) Special thanks, as always, to everyone who stopped by. Next week we get an interleague live chat when the Diamondbacks come to town!
Tonight is a game I’m glad isn’t being played in Boston because I’d definitely find a way to be there and then be mildly conflicted all night. Justin Masterson is pitching against Clay Buchholz.  There aren’t enough ways to describe how fond of Justin I (and so many Sox fans) am. I was crushed when he was traded and my heart ached for every loss he’s taken since being in Cleveland. So as much as I want to see him succeed, and as much as seeing him struggle will be painful, I want Clay to have this win. It’ll give him an American League leading 9 wins and it’ll ensure the Sox win the series…these things I want. So I hope the Red Sox don’t bang Justin around TOO much but, still, I sadly have to write these words: I want him to lose tonight. (Man, that feels wrong!)
Because it got to the point where I was going to start unfollowing all those bringing him up yesterday, I will only say is this: Have Stephen Strasburg put up the pitching line he did last night against the Tampa Bay Rays and then maybe I won’t get pissed when you start calling him Walter Johnson or Roger Clemens. He was definitely impressive. That should stand alone without hyperbole.
At 33-26, the American League East fourth place Toronto Blue Jays are tied with National League Central leaders – the Cincinnati Reds. With their record of 35-25, the Red Sox would be leading every division in MLB right now, except the AL East where they are currently in third place.  Just thought putting the standings in perspective would be helpful!
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