Here's to another year with Wake!
Good news is always welcomed!
According to Ian Browne at MLB.com, the surgery on Tim Wakefield’s back was a success and, if the recovery process goes as planned, “he should be fully recovered long before the start of Spring Training”. Wake has already expressed his desire to play another season and Theo has already expressed that Wake fits into the plans of the team so there is still much hope that number 49 will be taking the mound quite a few times in 2010. I’ll take the good news, thanks!
Phillies are another step closer to back to back World Series championships. Have to admit that I’m genuinely happy for the team. They worked hard to get to where they are and they won in an impressive manner. I’m also more than a bit excited for Pedro Martinez to be returning to the Series. Pedro isn’t even sure he’ll make the WS roster, let alone get to pitch, but he was still so obviously thrilled about it all last night I couldn’t help but share his happiness. Sure, the idea of a team that isn’t mine being the first this decade/millennium to go back to back is a little disappointing – I always have such high hopes for the Sox – but, Brett Myers aside, I like the guys on the Phillies (granted, a lot of their fans haven’t impressed me) and I hope they do well in the Series.
Unless, of course, the Angels come back to put the beat down on the Yankees. Something I still hold out hope for. (Actually, if the Angels beat the Yankees I wouldn’t really care which team won the World Series – but the team beating the Yankees coming out and winning the Series would be pretty sweet!)
After the Angels won that game that other night, I had a genuine belief they could pull it off. Then they showed up in the following game playing like they spent the night before out too late partying. There was no life to the team and the Yankees took full advantage. So I’ll watch some of tonight’s game – depending on how it ends up – and hope for the best. I’m annoyed that everyone is just assuming the Yankees will be playing the Phillies…that kind of arrogance pisses me off and I hope it pisses off the Angels enough to do something about it. I know it looks bad for the Angels right now but baseball is one of those games where genuinely anything can happen…so they have as much of a chance to win this as they do to lose it. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that the chances are better for the Yankees to win the ALCS than the Angels but that doesn’t mean I’ve given up hope. At the VERY least it would be nice for the Angels to make a series of it and force the Yanks to a game 7. Wear them down, fellas, wear them down.
A video this morning that I absolutely adore: Mark Salling on “Glee” singing “Sweet Caroline. Bring some of that Neil Diamond mojo to the Angels tonight!
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