Kick ass, Crabby! (Photo taken by Kelly O'Connor/sittingstill.net and used with permission)
Even though I don’t want them to repeat this year, I was rooting for the Phillies yesterday- only because Cliff Lee was pitching. He didn’t disappoint. Unfortunately, the Twins and the Cardinals did but what are you going to do? Twins and Yanks get a day off today and the Twins have the chance to catch up tomorrow. The better news is we get another day of triple baseball. Today it’s Rockies/Phillies at 2:30ET, Cardinals/Dodgers at 6ET, and Sox/Angels at 9:30ET. I don’t love that we get stuck in that time slot (last night’s Cards/Dodgers game seemed to go on forever) but at least we’ll have each other! I’m setting up the live chat for tonight’s game (and Friday’s too!) so if you need some company to make sure you’re up for the game – come on by!
I don’t usually single out comments from the blog but I read one this morning that nailed how I feel. “Anita” wrote:
Sadly, no matter how much post-season baseball I am able to watch, I know I can’t store up games like a hibernating bear stores nourishment. It’s still going to be a long winter.
This is exactly how I feel (and it’s why MLB has so much of my money from the sales of DVDS!) but I’m trying to stay in the now and enjoy what I can before we go dark for the winter. Although it will be nice to catch up on some sleep! 🙂
Manny Delcarmen has been left off the ALDS roster in favor of Paul Byrd. While this is exactly what I expected and wanted, I’m still a little bummed for MDC. But given his performances of late and the fact he was just in a car accident I suppose all-around it’s the best for him and the team right now. Still, it has to sting and it stinks for anyone to have to go through that – especially after being with the team all year.
If you only read one story about Jason Varitek today, let it be Alex Speier’s story and not CHB’s (I’m totally biased, you understand). The bottom line with Tek? No matter how many ways some reporters try to get him to say he’s angry about his situation with the team changing, Tek won’t. His focus, publicly, is the team and the fact that they’re in the playoffs. (In fairness, CHB ends his piece by saying we haven’t seen the last of the Captain…which would be great if he didn’t spend a good lot of it reminding us how bad he’s been this year.)
Crabcakes is up against John Lackey tonight. Regardless of how many people keep saying that this Angels team is different and the Red Sox are in trouble…I don’t agree and I’m so looking forward to seeing what our fellas have in store for us. Join me tonight, won’t you?
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