MDC at Spring Training this year. Photo courtesy of Kelly O'Connor/sittingstill.net and used with permission.
I won’t lie. I had a few reasons for writing this post so late in the day but the main one is that I figured I’d be less fired up by now than I was last night. I suppose I’m much more rational about it now.
Just don’t introduce me to Manny Delcarmen any time soon okay?  Confession time: I really like MDC. I think he’s a good kid, he does a lot for the community, everyone seems to like him and when I DID meet him in person he was an absolute doll. I just don’t get the warm fuzzies when he pitches. And it’s because I think he’s a good kid that I don’t want to rip him apart for what has been a horrendous September and a pretty lackluster season in general.
So I waited until well past noon to write today’s entry out of respect for Manny Delcarmen. And that’s all I have to say about him today.
Rangers won and the Sox lost – this was not in my plan. But no worries. Three more games in this series for each team. There’s still plenty of time for the Sox to wreak havoc. One thing I neglected to mention yesterday was that the Yankees are thisclose to their playoff berth. All they have to do is win a game (or watch the Rangers lose a game) and they’re in. Given that their captain is on record with not liking celebrations for the wild card spot – I wonder how they’ll react when it happens? Of course, the Rangers could sweep this week and the Yankees could lose all their games against the Angels and they’d have to wait until the Sox were in town to try and get that spot. Please, God, if they’re going to clinch it this week, let it be before the weekend. That’s all I ask.
I appreciate each and every message I’ve received about Kyle Snyder – apparently my diligence has worked and we’ve recruited more Kyle Snyder fans! Sadly, I’ve found out bupkis.  I hope he’s back in Florida enjoying the sunshine but I wish he was in New York helping the Mets close out a painful season. In any event, any info on where Kyle ends up in 2010 will be greatly appreciated!
Paul Byrd pitches against Zack Greinke tonight! (Like how I added the exclamation point to make it seem that I’m excited about this?) I had plans for this evening. Fun, happy, exciting plans that I had to cancel. I’m terribly disappointed that I had to cancel and for my troubles I get rewarded with watching Byrd v Greinke. The game wasn’t the reason I had to cancel plans but I sure hope it turns out to be worth it.
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