Was this REALLY the best abbreviation WEEI.com could find for "Assistant"?
I’ve given up trying to figure out when the WEEI.com gig begins. I’m aiming for sometime in January, but who knows, really? 🙂 The plan is to have this domain forwarded to the new one, so folks shouldn’t miss a beat when it finally happens. Thanks to everyone who’s been asking about it!
I was going to rant about Paul Byrd deciding he wants to spend time with his family so he plans on not starting the 2009 season until halfway through, but I decided to focus on someone who DIDN’T make me want to punch him (currently, anyway): Kevin Youkilis.
Sox and Youk came to an agreement on a four-year, $41 million contract extension that comes with a $13 million club option for 2013 or a $1 million buyout. So we get Youk for another four years. Team could do much worse. Youk could too. SO now we have a first baseman and a second baseman we know will be sticking around for a while. Knowing that they’re be out there makes me very happy. See? I’m easy to please.
Tomorrow I’ll be heading to Pawtucket for the annual “Hot Stove Party” the PawSox throw every year. For a total cost of $0, you can meet some of the new blood (including Lars Anderson, Mark Wagner and Daniel Bard), hear manager Ron Johnson talk about the upcoming season, buy tickets for the 2009 season and wander the halls of the clubhouse at McCoy Stadium. It’s well worth taking the trip!
Incidentally, my dream of taking over the PawSox website has been killed. It has been brought into the fold by MiLB and is now “one of them“. For all the complaining I did last year about the site, I’m a bit bummed that the PawSox have been forced to assimilate. I’m hoping this change means more access to info on the team and the players. If that happens, I’ll have little to complain about in that area. Right?