I pretty myself up and get to church to witness the wedding of a good friend.
I return home, as good friend’s reception is chock full o’ seafood and I’d rather live to see the Red Sox win than die while doing the chicken dance.
I bite what nails I have left off in anticipation of game 2.
I use fingernail-less hands to live blog and save myself from the asshats at TBS.
Red and Denton used a funky new liveblogging tool last night for their live blog. I don’t think I’ll be getting all crazy that way (I’ll save it for next season’s live blogs) but I was sad at the idea of not live-blogging any more and figured this would be my best option as I think tonight is the only game I’ll be watching alone.
I’m still stunned. Not that they won last night, but at how amazing the pitching was. Matsuzaka, Okajima, Masterson, Papelbon…I heart them all this morning. Very, very much. 🙂
Joshua Patrick on the mound tonight. And I am filled with hope. :) I’ll be here around 8pm…join me, won’t you?
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