And hats off to the White Sox.
I don’t buy any of that "they wanted it more" junk. The White Sox played better ball. Plain and simple.
Of course I’m sad. I wanted to see my team go all the way this year. But it’s so much less painful than in other years. Because regardless of what idiots like evilsnare say, 2004 was special. There was a chemistry and a rhythm that the team had that will never be duplicated. And 2004 will stand as one of the most memorable post-seasons in history. Something obnoxious folks like evilsnare will never be able to change.
I feel sorry for the players. Sure it’s their fault…they could have won the games, but stuff happens. The bats went cold, the starting pitching went pretty much out the window. It stinks. So many of these guys won’t be back next year and I know it meant a lot to them to try and repeat. So THAT makes me sad.
Believe it or not, in spite of the jerk ChiSox fans who have been sending me the pornographic emails and in spite of the poor sport manager who thinks he’s a hall of famer, I’m rooting for the White Sox to go far in the playoffs. I like the team…they’re a bunch of good guys who play their butts off and they deserved this win.
And I don’t care if some think this sounds like an excuse, because it’s the truth. This team gave me more joy this year than almost any other (no year will top 2004!). I traveled all over this year, made new friends, met some of the players…and went to more games than ever before. I had such a great time this season and most of it was due either entirely or in part to the Red Sox.
There is no fan base (except possibly the Cubs…and maybe the Mets) who understand having the connection to the team that Red Sox fans have with their players. It’s that connection that keeps us going…and it makes even the losses worth it. I wish my team was going deeper into the playoffs…but heck, the fact that they got there at all makes me happy. Only 7 other fan bases can say that.
Alas, now we have to wait until next year. Which, again, makes me sad. I don’t do well on days when there is no baseball (which is why, after I post this, I’m going back to ESPN to watch Randy Johnson get embarrassed in Yankee Stadium). But I know two things…I might not root for the best team in baseball….but I certainly think they’re the greatest.
No Yankees fan or ChiSox fan will be able to take the good feeling I get from my team away from me. And I have that feeling even if they aren’t playing any more.
Yankees and ChiSox fans wouldn’t be saying anything close to that if THEIR teams were eliminated.
So to them, I make excuses. But real fans know that you love your team, win or lose…especially when they love you back.
Thank you Red Sox. For another great season…and everything that went with it!
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