What up, White Sox?

I was harrassed for all of the better part of last week by white sox fans via email, on various message boards and in person at the Sox/Sox games.

All I heard was "No one can beat our pitching"…"Our bats will knock you out of the game"…all kinds of trash talk.

From White Sox fans.

So what happens?  The Red Sox make their number one and number two pitchers (Buehrle and Garland for those not following along) look like nobodies…and tonight…Garland went 7 innings, gave up 3 runs – 2 of them earned – on seven hits with 2 walks and 3 strikeouts…not exactly intimidating, eh?

Oh yes…my favorite excuse from many fans on the White Sox fan forum is that Ozzie Guillen isn’t really putting out his best team.  He’s experimenting to see what is going to work for the playoffs.

Are you kidding me?

As I type this, the White Sox are a Geoff Blum out away from losing to the Yankees 3-1.  The Yankees.  The team that just lost two in a row to the Devil Rays.

Thus giving me more proof that the White Sox play in a pi*s poor division.  They look great against the likes of the Indians and the Twins…but once they see the Red Sox or the Yankees…nothing.

It’s disappointing for many reasons.  Not the least of which is I really want the Yankees to continue to fall back in the standings.

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